Subject targets of the English Language:
The subject target of English Language is for student to develop an ever-improving capability to use English to think and communicate; to acquire, develop and apply knowledge; and to respond and give expression to experience within the three stands of Interpersonal, Knowledge and Experience.
Aims and key objectives of the English Curriculum in WSSPS:
- To provide our students with rich and ample opportunities to speak English and conduct discussions in English during English lessons.
- To design hands-on and interactive learning activities to raise students’ interest and engagement, maximize students’ participation, bridge students’ prior knowledge and build language competence and confidence.
- To use extensive visual aids (such as pictures, flow charts, graphic organizers, realia and flash cards) and modelling of language to support learners’ understanding of English.
- To adopt the backward design approach in our curriculum, especially in writing unit plans and designing unit learning activities.
- To direct and implement differentiation strategies such as intervention (visual aids/scaffolding/modelling for low group) and enrichment (higher-order thinking questions and tasks for high group) with adaptation of worksheets.
Streaming arrangements in 2024-2025:
P.4 (3 classes) are streamed into 4 groups for more focused support, intervention and enrichment.
P.5 (4 classes) are streamed into 5 groups for more focused support, intervention and enrichment.
P.6 (4 classes) are streamed into 5 groups for more focused support, intervention and enrichment.
The targets and outcomes of our action plan in 2024-2025 are:
- to provide diversified English learning experience through optimizing lesson design and teaching strategies.
- to enhance students’ learning motivation and confidence in English through providing multifarious opportunities for using English.
- to hone students’ analytical thinking and problem-solving skills to become independent learners.
The Department of English has been designing and organizing a wide spectrum of interactive, multisensory and experiential English learning activities, including but not limited to:
Reading and RaC (Reading across the Curriculum) curriculum:
- Morning reading
- Home-reading programme
- Reading aloud video assignments
- Library-English lessons (classic fairy tales and Mini-STEAM Projects)
- English-GS mini-project study
- Project learning
Theme-based and festival activities:
- English Speaking Day
- English Reading Month
- Character Dress-up Day
- Pajama Reading Day
- Celebrity's Talk/Workshop
- Halloween game booths and fun-facts treasure hunt
- Halloween costume presentation and competition
- Thanksgiving Day
- 100th Day of School
- Christmas day
- Easter hunt (cross-curricula activity)
- Post-exam activity week / Theme-based learning week
English extra-curricular activities, external projects and examinations:
- English E-fun / Fun time with Stories / Fun with Mr. West
- English Drama programme
- English Speech Festival
- English Musical (Hong Kong School Drama Festival and New Era Academy examination)
- English Ambassadors
- EDB-NET PLPR/W programme
- TOEFL Primary and Junior Standard exams
- Cambridge Starters, Movers and Flyers Tests
- CUHK QEF "Read to Write", "Wealth by virtue", "Facilitating communities of practice to enhance small-class teaching” projects (2018-2019, 2019-2020)
- CUHK QSIP "Tracking Students' Learning through Comprehensive Enhancement of Assessment Literacy" project (2019-2020)
- CUHK QEF "Using e-Learning to develop primary school students' 21st century skills in English language learning and teachers' assessment literacy" (2020-2021)
- The Unfold Story English Reading Program (SCOLAR - NET) (2020-2021)
- English Alliance: Learning English with Drama Fun (SCOLAR) (2020-2021)
- CUHK QEF "Facilitating communities of practice to enhance small-class teaching” (2021-2022)
- EDB "Learning Community for Primary School English Language Teacher Leaders" (“Promoting reading and reading across curriculum (RaC)”) (2021-2022)
- home-reading
- morning reading
- English speaking day
- English reading month
- English drama
- English musical
- Project learning