
Subject targets of the English Language:

   The subject target of English Language is for student to develop an ever-improving capability to use English to think and communicate; to acquire, develop and apply knowledge; and to respond and give expression to experience within the three stands of Interpersonal, Knowledge and Experience.


Aims and key objectives of the English Curriculum in WSSPS:

  • To provide our students with rich and ample opportunities to speak English and conduct discussions in English during English lessons.
  • To design hands-on and interactive learning activities to raise students’ interest and engagement, maximize students’ participation, bridge students’ prior knowledge and build language competence and confidence.
  • To use extensive visual aids (such as pictures, flow charts, graphic organizers, realia and flash cards) and modelling of language to support learners’ understanding of English.
  • To adopt the backward design approach in our curriculum, especially in writing unit plans and designing unit learning activities.
  • To direct and implement differentiation strategies such as intervention (visual aids/scaffolding/modelling for low group) and enrichment (higher-order thinking questions and tasks for high group) with adaptation of worksheets.


Streaming arrangements in 2024-2025:

P.4 (3 classes) are streamed into 4 groups for more focused support, intervention and enrichment.

P.5 (4 classes) are streamed into 5 groups for more focused support, intervention and enrichment.

P.6 (4 classes) are streamed into 5 groups for more focused support, intervention and enrichment.


The targets and outcomes of our action plan in 2024-2025 are:

  1. to provide diversified English learning experience through optimizing lesson design and teaching strategies.
  2. to enhance students’ learning motivation and confidence in English through providing multifarious opportunities for using English.
  3. to hone students’ analytical thinking and problem-solving skills to become independent learners.


The Department of English has been designing and organizing a wide spectrum of interactive, multisensory and experiential English learning activities, including but not limited to:


Reading and RaC (Reading across the Curriculum) curriculum:

  • Morning reading 
  • Home-reading programme
  • Reading aloud video assignments
  • Library-English lessons (classic fairy tales and Mini-STEAM Projects)
  • English-GS mini-project study
  • Project learning


Theme-based and festival activities:

  • English Speaking Day
  • English Reading Month
  • Character Dress-up Day
  • Pajama Reading Day
  • Celebrity's Talk/Workshop
  • Halloween game booths and fun-facts treasure hunt
  • Halloween costume presentation and competition
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • 100th Day of School
  • Christmas day
  • Easter hunt (cross-curricula activity)
  • Post-exam activity week / Theme-based learning week


English extra-curricular activities, external projects and examinations:

  • English E-fun / Fun time with Stories / Fun with Mr. West
  • English Drama programme
  • English Speech Festival
  • English Musical (Hong Kong School Drama Festival and New Era Academy examination)
  • English Ambassadors
  • EDB-NET PLPR/W programme
  • TOEFL Primary and Junior Standard exams
  • Cambridge Starters, Movers and Flyers Tests
  • CUHK QEF "Read to Write", "Wealth by virtue", "Facilitating communities of practice to enhance small-class teaching” projects (2018-2019, 2019-2020)
  • CUHK QSIP "Tracking Students' Learning through Comprehensive Enhancement of Assessment Literacy" project (2019-2020)
  • CUHK QEF "Using e-Learning to develop primary school students' 21st century skills in English language learning and teachers' assessment literacy" (2020-2021)
  • The Unfold Story English Reading Program (SCOLAR - NET) (2020-2021)
  • English Alliance: Learning English with Drama Fun (SCOLAR) (2020-2021)
  • CUHK QEF "Facilitating communities of practice to enhance small-class teaching” (2021-2022)
  • EDB "Learning Community for Primary School English Language Teacher Leaders" (“Promoting reading and reading across curriculum (RaC)”) (2021-2022)



  • home-reading
  • morning reading
  • English speaking day
  • English reading month
  • English drama
  • English musical
  • QSIP / QEF
  • Project learning